How to read and prepare various types of bar and line graphs.
Course No. 78
20 hours
Plant Mathematics – Reading and Preparing Simple Graphs
The reading and preparation of simple bar and line graphs. Bar Graphs: recognition of the parts of a bar graph, identifying bars and reading their value; interpolation of values between scale divisions; selection of the proper bar graph based on content; preparation of simple bar graphs in both vertical and horizontal position, including selection and ordering of data, setup of scales, and drawing the bars; use of interrupted amount scale for clarity; and reading and preparing component bar graphs. Line Graphs: identification of scales on line graphs; point coordinates and the proper way to write them; determining the value of a missing coordinate given one coordinate and curve; the concept of positive and negative coordinates; reading values from curve families and multi-scale graphs; plotting points with both positive and negative coordinates; recognition that two points do not determine curve shape; requirements for and setup of scales; preparation of smooth curves from raw data; and use of curve families and multi-scale graphs.
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