Course No. 55
7 hours
Chains and Sprockets –Roller Chains
Identification of roller chains, parts of chains, and types of links, including pin links, roller links, connecting links, and offset links; press fits and slip fits in chains; “pitch” of roller chains and how to find and identify pitch; standard and ASA roller chains; how to identify a chain by its ASA number, including light, normal and heavy-duty roller chains, strands of chain, double-pitch chain, and rollerless chains; use of catalogs of roller chains and how to identify and read dimensions; how to determine length and the number of “pitches” in a piece of chain; how to use roller chain; pitch conversion charts; and how to determine correct type link for chains having either an odd or an even number of “pitches.”
Prerequisites: Ability to perform simple arithmetic calculations and to read simple engineering drawings. Basic understanding of spur gears, gear installation and gear ratios